6 Febbraio 2022
Program Change - MSB-LSB

I have created a small software that allows you to quickly set and send the Midi Control Change MSB and LSB parameters of Bank Select + ProgramChange to a synth, via Midi.
Born to test the Midi implementations of some of my synths (Roland Fantom, Yamaha Montage and Jupiter XM in primis), I thought I'd share it and make it downloadable and usable by anyone. There are endless ways to accomplish the same thing, but I needed something easily usable, ... and here it is.
The software works in a Windows environment (the MAC version will follow shortly) and is portable.
Just run the program without the need for any installation. To configure it, you just need to set the MIDI out, relative to the synth to be controlled.
In the presence of multi-client Midi Drivers, now more and more frequent, it is possible to run the software in parallel with other software that use the same MIDI port (DAW, Editor, Librarian, ..).
The Program Change command is always active (just select it): to send the MSB-LSB triad and Program change, click on the Send To Synth button.
Here the download Link