AX-Edge: how to import all 256 ZEN-Core User Tones into Librarian
Inside the librarian section of the Editor there are "hidden"
functions regarding the possibility of importing ZEN-Core Tones into the library
using "alternative" methods not documented.
The editor allows the import of collections of
ZEN-Core sounds in the *.svz format obtained from
synths compatible with this standard or from
Zenology Pro: in addition it is possible to convert
Tones from Model--> corresponding ZEN-Core J-8,
Juno106, SH101 and JX-8P user tone, when model
collections are loaded.
The additional, undocumented possibility is
to be able to import ZEN-Core tones into the
library, loading the AX-Edge Backup file (*.svd)
The same thing is possible with Fantom with "Menu/Utility/Export/Export Scene"
functionality. In this case, all
possible Zen-Core user Tones present in the scene or
collection of scenes that have been exported are
The "trick" for PC version is
to bypass the *.svz mask, writing *.* and then
loading the .svd file. In the MAC version, since you cannot select *.*, the simplest way is to
rename the AX-Edge .svd file to AX-Edge.svz